1. James Edward1 Sackey birth date unknown.
He married Christine Marie Ortery June 5, 1976. Christine was born Galesburg, Illinois Oct. 28, 1952. Christine was the daughter of John Lester Ortery and Mary Catherine McCullough. At 26 years of age Christine became the mother of John Edward Sackey Jr. Roosevelt Roads Naval Base, Puerto Rico, Jan. 29, 1979. At 31 years of age Christine became the mother of Joel Michael Sackey Galesburg, Illinois, May 16, 1984.
James became the father of John Edward Sackey Jr. Roosevelt Roads Naval Base, Puerto Rico, Jan. 29, 1979. James became the father of Joel Michael Sackey Galesburg, Illinois, May 16, 1984.
James Edward Sackey and Christine Marie Ortery had the following children:
John Edward2 Sackey Jr. was born Roosevelt Roads Naval Base, Puerto Rico
Jan. 29, 1979.
Joel Michael Sackey was born May 16, 1984.
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