1. George Washington1 Snail birth date unknown.
He married Valeria M. Hutton. Valeria became the mother of Katherine Louise Snail Glasco, Cloud County, Kansas, June 6, 1898.
George became the father of Katherine Louise Snail Glasco, Cloud County, Kansas, June 6, 1898.
George Washington Snail and Valeria M. Hutton had the following child:
Katherine Louise2 Snail was born Glasco, Cloud County, Kansas June 6,
1898. Katherine died Dec. 10, 1975 Topeka, Kansas, at 77 years of age. Her body was interred aft. Dec. 10, 1975 Shawnee
County, Kansas, Mount Hope Cemetery. She married Lester Jackson "Jack" Newkirk Kansas City,
Kansas, June 6, 1936. Lester was born Logan, Phillips County, Kansas Sept. 1, 1901. Lester(282) was the son of Stonewall Jackson Newkirk and Myrtle Louella
Nelson. Lester died Dec. 11, 1975 Topeka, Kansas, at 74 years of age. His body was interred aft. Dec. 11, 1975 Shawnee
County, Kansas, Mount Hope Cemetery. (See Lester Jackson "Jack" Newkirk for the continuation of
this line.)
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