First Generation

1. Rowland1 Stebbins was born Bocking Parish, Essex County, England Oct. 1592. Rowland died Dec. 14, 1671 Northampton, Massachusetts, at 79 years of age.

He married Sarah Whiting. Sarah was born Boston, Lincolnshire, England Nov. 30, 1591. Sarah died Oct. 4, 1649 Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts, at 57 years of age. At 27 years of age Sarah became the mother of Thomas Stebbins Ipswick, Suffolk County, England, 1619.

At 26 years of age Rowland became the father of Thomas Stebbins Ipswick, Suffolk County, England, 1619.

Rowland Stebbins and Sarah Whiting had the following child:

child + 2 i. Thomas2 Stebbins was born 1619.

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