1. Thomas1 Smith birth date unknown.
He married Elizabeth Bigelow. Elizabeth became the mother of Hannah M. Smith 1803.
Thomas became the father of Hannah M. Smith 1803.
Thomas Smith and Elizabeth Bigelow had the following child:
Hannah M.2 Smith was born 1803. Hannah died Sept. 24, 1857 Burial Stone,
Wisconsin, at 54 years of age. Her body was interred aft. Sept. 24, 1857 Burial Stone, Wisconsin, Friesland Cemetery.
She married Martin Allen Brandon, Rutland County, Vermont, 1822. Martin was born Sudbury,
Rutland County, Vermont Feb. 17, 1801. Martin was the son of Noah Allen and Sophia Grandy. Martin died March 4,
1879 Randolph, Columbia City County, Wisconsin, at 78 years of age. At 22 years of age Martin became the father of
Elvira M. Allen Goshen, Addison County, Vermont, June 12, 1823. At 24 years of age Martin became the father of
James Wilson Allen Goshen, Addison County, Vermont, Oct. 6, 1825. At 26 years of age Martin became the father of
Andrew M. Allen Goshen, Addison County, Vermont, Sept. 25, 1827. At 30 years of age Martin became the father of
Chester S. Allen Goshen, Addison County, Vermont, Feb. 20, 1831. At 31 years of age Martin became the father of
Luther Lee Allen Goshen, Vermont, Feb. 1833. (See Martin Allen for the continuation of this
At 19 years of age Hannah became the mother of Elvira M. Allen Goshen, Addison County, Vermont, June 12, 1823. At 22 years of age Hannah became the mother of James Wilson Allen Goshen, Addison County, Vermont, Oct. 6, 1825. At 24 years of age Hannah became the mother of Andrew M. Allen Goshen, Addison County, Vermont, Sept. 25, 1827. At 27 years of age Hannah became the mother of Chester S. Allen Goshen, Addison County, Vermont, Feb. 20, 1831. At 29 years of age Hannah became the mother of Luther Lee Allen Goshen, Vermont, Feb. 1833.
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