First Generation

1. William1 Marchant birth date unknown.

He married Rachel Unknown.

William Marchant and Rachel Unknown had the following child:

child 2 i. Rachel2 Marchant. She married Joseph DeWeese abt. 1753. Joseph was born Jan. 4, 1716. Joseph was the son of Lewis DeWeese and Mary Wheeler. Joseph died Jan. 25, 1794 at 78 years of age. Joseph became the father of Miriam DeWeese Kent County, Delaware, abt. 1754. Joseph became the father of Ruth DeWeese Kent County, Delaware, abt. 1756. Joseph became the father of Elisha DeWeese Kent County, Delaware, abt. 1758. Joseph became the father of Hezekiah DeWeese Kent County, Delaware, abt. 1760. Joseph became the father of Samuel DeWeese Kent County, Delaware, abt. 1762. At 48 years of age Joseph became the father of Isaiah DeWeese Kent County, Delaware, July 9, 1764. At 51 years of age Joseph became the father of Jonathan DeWeese Kent County, Delaware, Aug. 26, 1767. Joseph became the father of Matthew DeWeese abt. 1770. Joseph became the father of Cornelius DeWeese Orange County, North Caroline, abt. 1773. (See Joseph DeWeese for the continuation of this line.)

Rachel became the mother of Miriam DeWeese Kent County, Delaware, abt. 1754. Rachel became the mother of Ruth DeWeese Kent County, Delaware, abt. 1756. Rachel became the mother of Elisha DeWeese Kent County, Delaware, abt. 1758. Rachel became the mother of Hezekiah DeWeese Kent County, Delaware, abt. 1760. Rachel became the mother of Samuel DeWeese Kent County, Delaware, abt. 1762. Rachel became the mother of Isaiah DeWeese Kent County, Delaware, July 9, 1764. Rachel became the mother of Jonathan DeWeese Kent County, Delaware, Aug. 26, 1767. Rachel became the mother of Matthew DeWeese abt. 1770. Rachel became the mother of Cornelius DeWeese Orange County, North Caroline, abt. 1773.

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