First Generation

1. Carl1 Lauderman birth date unknown.

He married Hilda Unknown. Hilda became the mother of Carol Lynn Lauderman Nov. 11, 1962.

Carl became the father of Carol Lynn Lauderman Nov. 11, 1962.

Carl Lauderman and Hilda Unknown had the following child:

child 2 i. Carol Lynn2 Lauderman was born Nov. 11, 1962. She married Stephen Eugene Davis. Stephen was born Mendota, Illinois Oct. 18, 1961. Stephen is the son of Lyle Eugene Davis and Marilyn Virginia Bodenhamer. At 25 years of age Stephen became the father of Andrew Stephen Davis Oak Lawn, Illinois, Dec. 13, 1986. At 28 years of age Stephen became the father of Aaron Michael Davis Munster, Indiana, Oct. 4, 1990. At 31 years of age Stephen became the father of Adam Joseph Davis Munster, Indiana, Jan. 23, 1993. At 36 years of age Stephen became the father of Allison Lynn Davis Munster, Indiana, Dec. 16, 1997. (See Stephen Eugene Davis for the continuation of this line.)

At 24 years of age Carol became the mother of Andrew Stephen Davis Oak Lawn, Illinois, Dec. 13, 1986. At 27 years of age Carol became the mother of Aaron Michael Davis Munster, Indiana, Oct. 4, 1990. At 30 years of age Carol became the mother of Adam Joseph Davis Munster, Indiana, Jan. 23, 1993. At 35 years of age Carol became the mother of Allison Lynn Davis Munster, Indiana, Dec. 16, 1997.

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