First Generation

1. George1 McLaughlin birth date unknown.

He married Nancy St. John. Nancy became the mother of Lila Ria McLaughlin Woodburn, Clarke County, Iowa, Aug. 1, 1910.

George became the father of Lila Ria McLaughlin Woodburn, Clarke County, Iowa, Aug. 1, 1910.

George McLaughlin and Nancy St. John had the following child:

child 2 i. Lila Ria2 McLaughlin was born Woodburn, Clarke County, Iowa Aug. 1, 1910. Lila died July 20, 1991 Des Moines, Iowa, at 80 years of age. Her body was interred aft. July 20, 1991 Afton, Iowa, Greenlawn Cemetery. She married Charles Donald Thompson Grant City, Missouri, Oct. 18, 1935. Charles was born Union County, Iowa Nov. 25, 1917. Charles was the son of Frank Bert Thompson and Myrta Clara Newkirk. Charles died Nov. 16, 1984 Des Moines, Iowa, at 66 years of age. His body was interred aft. Nov. 16, 1984 Afton, Iowa, Greenlawn Cemetery. At 18 years of age Charles became the father of Sandra Jean Thompson Cromwell, Iowa, July 21, 1936. At 24 years of age Charles became the father of Nancy Claire Thompson Rural Thayer, Iowa, Feb. 7, 1942. At 28 years of age Charles became the father of Myron "Mike" Thompson Creston, iowa, Aug. 31, 1946. (See Charles Donald Thompson for the continuation of this line.)

At 25 years of age Lila became the mother of Sandra Jean Thompson Cromwell, Iowa, July 21, 1936. At 31 years of age Lila became the mother of Nancy Claire Thompson Rural Thayer, Iowa, Feb. 7, 1942. At 36 years of age Lila became the mother of Myron "Mike" Thompson Creston, iowa, Aug. 31, 1946.

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