1. William Joseph1 Green was born 1833. William died 1898 at 65 years of age.
He married twice. He married Nancy Melinda Murphree. Nancy became the mother of Willis Levy Green Calhoun County, Mississippi, Jan. 4, 1874. He married Lucindy E. Mathis. Lucindy was born Jefferson County, Alabama Jan. 23, 1845. Lucindy was the daughter of William Mathis Jr. and Jane Gillison Harris. Lucindy died Oct. 9, 1912 at 67 years of age. Her body was interred aft. Oct. 9, 1912 Troy, Pontotoc County, Mississippi, Pleasant Grove Cemetery.
At 40 years of age William became the father of Willis Levy Green Calhoun County, Mississippi, Jan. 4, 1874.
William Joseph Green and Nancy Melinda Murphree had the following child:
Willis Levy2 Green was born Jan. 4, 1874.
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