1. Jesse1 Foster birth date unknown.
He married Mary Simmons. Mary became the mother of Joanna Foster Memphis, Hall County, Texas, March 5, 1929.
Jesse became the father of Joanna Foster Memphis, Hall County, Texas, March 5, 1929.
Jesse Foster and Mary Simmons had the following child:
Joanna2 Foster was born Memphis, Hall County, Texas March 5, 1929. She married John Robert Ramsey Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, May 2, 1956. John was born Pauls
Valley, Garvin County, Oklahoma Feb. 1, 1926. John was the son of Floyd Archer Ramsey and Margaret Louise Jones. At 23
years of age John became the father of Michael Ramsey (Step Son) Dimmit, Castro County, Texas, Sept. 23, 1949. At 31
years of age John became the father of Ross Archer Ramsey Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, March 8, 1957. At 32 years of
age John became the father of Cole Foster Ramsey Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, Oct. 29, 1958. At 34 years of age
John became the father of Susan Gayle Ramsey Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, Sept. 9, 1960. (See John Robert Ramsey for the continuation of this line.)
At 20 years of age Joanna became the mother of Michael Ramsey (Step Son) Dimmit, Castro County, Texas, Sept. 23, 1949. At 28 years of age Joanna became the mother of Ross Archer Ramsey Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, March 8, 1957. At 29 years of age Joanna became the mother of Cole Foster Ramsey Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, Oct. 29, 1958. At 31 years of age Joanna became the mother of Susan Gayle Ramsey Amarillo, Potter County, Texas, Sept. 9, 1960.
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