1. Phillip1 Garrison birth date unknown.
Phillip Garrison and Connie Unknown had the following child:
Rhonda2 Garrison. She married Timothy Michael
McKim Milbank, South Dakota, Aug. 23, 1986. Timothy was born Rapid City, South Dakota Dec. 8, 1964. Timothy is the son
of Michael David McKim and Beverly Raye Campbell. At 28 years of age Timothy became the father of Colin Campbell
McKim Overland Park, Kansas, April 12, 1993. At 31 years of age Timothy became the father of Kyle Phillip McKim
Burnsville, Minnesota, Dec. 29, 1995. At 34 years of age Timothy became the father of Logan Michael McKim Burnsville,
Minnesota, Feb. 9, 1999. (See Timothy Michael McKim for the continuation of this line.)
Rhonda became the mother of Colin Campbell McKim Overland Park, Kansas, April 12, 1993. Rhonda became the mother of Kyle Phillip McKim Burnsville, Minnesota, Dec. 29, 1995. Rhonda became the mother of Logan Michael McKim Burnsville, Minnesota, Feb. 9, 1999.
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