1. Asahel1 Hubbard birth date unknown.
He married Rebecca Kelsey. Rebecca became the mother of Caroline Louisa Hubbard abt. 1814.
Asahel became the father of Caroline Louisa Hubbard abt. 1814.
Asahel Hubbard and Rebecca Kelsey had the following child:
Caroline Louisa2 Hubbard was born abt. 1814. She
married Richard Hart Walker Whiting, Addison County, Vermont, Jan. 24, 1833. Richard was born Whiting, Addison County,
Vermont Aug. 11, 1811. Richard was the son of Amos Elmore Walker and Sarah Miller. Richard died Oct. 29, 1869
Randolph, Columbia County, Wisconsin, at 58 years of age. At 22 years of age Richard became the father of Joseph Miller
Walker Whiting, Addison County, Vermont, Feb. 12, 1834. Richard became the father of Jerusha Walker Whiting, Addison
County, Vermont, abt. 1836. At 31 years of age Richard became the father of Martin A. Walker Whiting, Addison County,
Vermont, 1843. At 33 years of age Richard became the father of Albert Martin Walker Whiting, Addison County,
Vermont, June 22, 1845. At 47 years of age Richard became the father of Carrie Eliza Walker Randolph, Columbia County,
Wisconsin, April 12, 1859. At 50 years of age Richard became the father of Sarah Alice Walker Randolph, Columbia County,
Wisconsin, April 29, 1862. At 51 years of age Richard became the father of Elmer Murray Walker Randolph, Columbia
County, Wisconsin, July 27, 1863. At 55 years of age Richard became the father of Richard Hiram Walker Randolph,
Columbia County, Wisconsin, Dec. 20, 1866. (See Richard Hart Walker for the continuation of this
At 19 years of age Caroline became the mother of Joseph Miller Walker Whiting, Addison County, Vermont, Feb. 12, 1834. Caroline became the mother of Jerusha Walker Whiting, Addison County, Vermont, abt. 1836.
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