1. Larry Todd1 Jeffcoat was born May 14, 1964.
He married Marcie Rene Lindsay California, Feb. 17, 1989. Marcie was born Fort Worth, Texas Nov. 30, 1970. Marcie is the daughter of Don Allen Lindsay and Sandra Diane Engelbrecht. At 18 years of age Marcie became the mother of Chelsea Rene Jeffcoat Santa Ana, California, Aug. 17, 1989. At 22 years of age Marcie became the mother of Jessica Rene Hinkle March 12, 1993.
At 25 years of age Larry became the father of Chelsea Rene Jeffcoat Santa Ana, California, Aug. 17, 1989.
Larry Todd Jeffcoat and Marcie Rene Lindsay had the following child:
Chelsea Rene2 Jeffcoat was born Santa Ana, California Aug. 17, 1989.
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