1. Daniel1 Griggs birth date unknown.
He married Margaret Unknown. Margaret became the mother of Jemima Griggs New Jersey, Nov. 17, 1790.
Daniel became the father of Jemima Griggs New Jersey, Nov. 17, 1790.
Daniel Griggs and Margaret Unknown had the following child:
Jemima2 Griggs was born New Jersey Nov. 17, 1790. Jemima died May
10, 1866 Orion Township, Oakland County, Michigan, at 75 years of age. Her body was interred aft. May 10, 1866 Orion Township,
Oakland County, Michigan, Evergreen Cemetery. She married Joshua Predmore Sussex County, New
Jersey, July 2, 1809. Joshua was born Hamburg, Sussex County, New Jersey Jan. 16, 1784. Joshua was the son of
Daniel Predmore Jr. and Sarah Elizabeth Case. Joshua died Aug. 23, 1854 Brandon, Oakland County, Michigan, at 70
years of age. At 35 years of age Joshua became the father of Hiram Predmore New Jersey, Dec. 10, 1819. (See Joshua Predmore for the continuation of this line.)
At 29 years of age Jemima became the mother of Hiram Predmore New Jersey, Dec. 10, 1819.
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