FURBY Family

First Generation

1. Harold Richard1 Furby birth date unknown.

He married Olive Stratford Player. Olive was born Greytown, New Zealand March 27, 1884. Olive was the daughter of David Preston Player and Ellen Eliza Stratford. Olive died Nov. 20, 1970 at 86 years of age. At 22 years of age Olive became the mother of Olive Ellen Furby 1906. At 24 years of age Olive became the mother of Winifred Elsie Furby Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand, Jan. 10, 1909. At 26 years of age Olive became the mother of Ernest Phillip Preston Furby Sept. 10, 1910.

Harold became the father of Olive Ellen Furby 1906. Harold became the father of Winifred Elsie Furby Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand, Jan. 10, 1909. Harold became the father of Ernest Phillip Preston Furby Sept. 10, 1910.

Harold Richard Furby and Olive Stratford Player had the following children:

child 2 i. Olive Ellen2 Furby was born 1906. Olive died Feb. 1908 at 1 year of age.

child 3 ii. Winifred Elsie Furby was born Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand Jan. 10, 1909. Winifred died Oct. 1, 1993 Palmerston North, Manawatu, New Zealand, at 84 years of age. Her body was interred Oct. 5, 1993 Aramoho, Wanganui, New Zealand, cremated. She married George James Cook Berhampore, Wellington, New Zealand, April 18, 1936. George was born Petone, Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand Aug. 1, 1909. George died Jan. 24, 1974 Aramoho, Wanganui, New Zealand, at 64 years of age. His body was interred Jan. 26, 1974 Aramoho, Wanganui, New Zealand. At 30 years of age George became the father of William Harold "Bill" Cook Kilbernie, Wellington, New Zealand, Aug. 10, 1939. (See George James Cook for the continuation of this line.)

At 30 years of age Winifred became the mother of William Harold "Bill" Cook Kilbernie, Wellington, New Zealand, Aug. 10, 1939.

child 4 iii. Ernest Phillip Preston Furby was born Sept. 10, 1910. Ernest died Sept. 25, 1925.

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