1. Willis E.1 Hartin birth date unknown.
He married Lou Unknown. Lou became the mother of Laura Lee Hartin Dalhart, Dallas County, Texas, June 27, 1901.
Willis became the father of Laura Lee Hartin Dalhart, Dallas County, Texas, June 27, 1901.
Willis E. Hartin and Lou Unknown had the following child:
Laura Lee2 Hartin was born Dalhart, Dallas County, Texas June 27, 1901.
Laura died April 14, 1992 Madill, Marshall County, Oklahoma, at 90 years of age. Her body was interred April 16, 1992
Cumberland, Marshall County, Oklahoma, Cumberland Cemetery. She married Noah James Wesley Pool
Marshall County, Oklahoma, Dec. 18, 1919. Noah was born Kemp, Panola, I.T., Oklahoma Oct. 30, 1894. Noah was the son
of Lorenzo Dow Pool and Cordelia Crisp. Noah died April 23, 1982 Cumberland, Marshall County, Oklahoma, at 87
years of age. His body was interred April 26, 1982 Cumberland, Mashall County, Oklahoma, Cumberland Cemetery.
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