1. Edmond Manley1 Ensign birth date unknown.
He married Olive Mae Ball. Olive became the mother of Fern Adeline Ensign Healy, Kansas, April 21, 1920.
Edmond became the father of Fern Adeline Ensign Healy, Kansas, April 21, 1920.
Edmond Manley Ensign and Olive Mae Ball had the following child:
Fern Adeline2 Ensign(100) was born Healy, Kansas April 21, 1920. Fern died July 12, 2000 Safford, Graham
County, Arizonia, at 80 years of age. She married Marion Price Watson Lordsburg, New Mexico,
May 10, 1941. Marion was born Cherry Mound Community, Grayson County, Texas Nov. 17, 1914. Marion(101) was the son of Leonidas Lafayette "Lonnie" Watson and Zola
Edna Smiley. Marion died March 14, 1992 at 77 years of age.
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