1. John Kenneth1 Cole was born June 8, 1956.
He married Melody Sue Davis May, 1, 1976. Melody was born Freeport, Illinois Jan. 22, 1958. Melody is the daughter of Lyle Eugene Davis and Marilyn Virginia Bodenhamer. At 20 years of age Melody became the mother of Timothy John Cole Spring Valley, Illinois, June 25, 1978. At 21 years of age Melody became the mother of Jason Stephen Cole Spring Valley, Illinois, Oct. 16, 1979. At 24 years of age Melody became the mother of Justin James Cole Spring Valley, Illinois, May 12, 1982.
At 22 years of age John became the father of Timothy John Cole Spring Valley, Illinois, June 25, 1978. At 23 years of age John became the father of Jason Stephen Cole Spring Valley, Illinois, Oct. 16, 1979. At 25 years of age John became the father of Justin James Cole Spring Valley, Illinois, May 12, 1982.
John Kenneth Cole and Melody Sue Davis had the following children:
Timothy John2 Cole was born Spring Valley, Illinois June 25, 1978.
Jason Stephen Cole was born Spring Valley, Illinois Oct. 16, 1979.
Justin James Cole was born Spring Valley, Illinois May 12, 1982.
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