1. Ezra1 Ferris birth date unknown.
Ezra Ferris and Ruby Unknown had the following child:
Betsy2 Ferris. She married Manus Murray.
Manus was born Sudbury, Rutland County, Vermont Aug. 25, 1787. Manus was the son of Stephan Murray and Louisa
Rose. Manus died aft. 1857. At 32 years of age Manus became the father of Persis Murray Stockholm, St. Lawrence County,
New York, Nov. 30, 1819. At 34 years of age Manus became the father of Huldah Vanelia Murray Sudbury, Rutland County,
Vermont, Jan. 8, 1822. At 36 years of age Manus became the father of Thyrza Ellen Murray Sudbury, Rutland County,
Vermont, Oct. 28, 1823. At 38 years of age Manus became the father of Aaron Ketchum Murray Sudbury, Rutland County,
Vermont, Oct. 17, 1825. At 40 years of age Manus became the father of Adelia Columbia Murray Sudbury, Rutland County,
Vermont, Jan. 7, 1828. At 42 years of age Manus became the father of Seth Rose Murray Sudbury, Rutland County,
Vermont, Nov. 7, 1829. At 44 years of age Manus became the father of Anjeanette Murray Sudbury, Rutland County,
Vermont, March 19, 1832. (See Manus Murray for the continuation of this line.)
Betsy became the mother of Persis Murray Stockholm, St. Lawrence County, New York, Nov. 30, 1819. Betsy became the mother of Huldah Vanelia Murray Sudbury, Rutland County, Vermont, Jan. 8, 1822. Betsy became the mother of Thyrza Ellen Murray Sudbury, Rutland County, Vermont, Oct. 28, 1823. Betsy became the mother of Aaron Ketchum Murray Sudbury, Rutland County, Vermont, Oct. 17, 1825. Betsy became the mother of Adelia Columbia Murray Sudbury, Rutland County, Vermont, Jan. 7, 1828. Betsy became the mother of Seth Rose Murray Sudbury, Rutland County, Vermont, Nov. 7, 1829. Betsy became the mother of Anjeanette Murray Sudbury, Rutland County, Vermont, March 19, 1832.
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