COX Family

First Generation

1. Perry Sterling Ashby1 Cox birth date unknown.

He married Lillie May Roberts. Lillie became the mother of Eldon W. Cox Belton, Bell County, Texas, July 10, 1910.

Perry became the father of Eldon W. Cox Belton, Bell County, Texas, July 10, 1910.

Perry Sterling Ashby Cox and Lillie May Roberts had the following child:

child 2 i. Eldon W.2 Cox was born Belton, Bell County, Texas July 10, 1910. Eldon died Dec. 29, 1966 Eagle Pass, Maverick County, Texas, at 56 years of age. His body was interred aft. Dec. 29, 1966 Kerrville, Texas, Garden Of Memories Cemetery. He married Irene Elvida Dillingham Three Rivers, Live Oak County, Texas, March 21, 1937. Irene was born Gray, Beaver County, Oklahoma April 25, 1913. Irene was the daughter of Philip Allan Dillingham and Edna Elvira Allen. Irene died Oct. 15, 1984 Austin, Travis County, Texas, at 71 years of age. Her body was interred aft. Oct. 15, 1984 Kerrville, Kerr County, Texas, Garden Of Memories Cemetery.

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