1. Robert1 Dalton birth date unknown.
He married Mary Key. Mary became the mother of Mary Dalton Albemarle County, Virginia, 1764.
Robert became the father of Mary Dalton Albemarle County, Virginia, 1764.
Robert Dalton and Mary Key had the following child:
Mary2 Dalton was born Albemarle County, Virginia 1764. Mary died
Sept. 29, 1852 Saline County, Missouri, at 88 years of age. She married William Witcher Pittsylvania
County, Virginia, April 1, 1782. William was born Pittsylvania County, Virginia 1758. William was the son of
Captain William Witcher and Anna Rachel Majors. William died Oct. 9, 1822 Missouri, at 64 years of age. At 25
years of age William became the father of John Rueben Witcher Pittsylvania County, Virginia, Jan. 18, 1784. (See William Witcher for the continuation of this line.)
At 19 years of age Mary became the mother of John Rueben Witcher Pittsylvania County, Virginia, Jan. 18, 1784.
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