1. Moses1 Cornwall birth date unknown.
He married Eunice Goodrich. Eunice became the mother of Hannah Cornwall Chatum, (East Hampton}, Connecticut, Oct. 10, 1775.
Moses became the father of Hannah Cornwall Chatum, (East Hampton}, Connecticut, Oct. 10, 1775.
Moses Cornwall and Eunice Goodrich had the following child:
Hannah2 Cornwall was born Chatum, (East Hampton}, Connecticut Oct. 10,
1775. Hannah died June 9, 1854 Erie County, Pennsylvania, at 78 years of age. Her body was interred aft. June 9, 1854
Erie County, Pennsylvania, Valley Cemetery. She married Silas Giddings Grandville, Maryland,
Feb. 20, 1794. Silas was born Harland, Connecticut April 30, 1774. Silas died Nov. 21, 1822 Erie County,
Pennsylvania, at 48 years of age. At 20 years of age Silas became the father of Mary Cornwall "Polly" Giddings Harland,
Connecticut, March 28, 1795. At 22 years of age Silas became the father of Orphia Giddings Harland, Connecticut,
Feb. 25, 1797. At 23 years of age Silas became the father of Elmira Giddings Harland, Connecticut, April 23, 1798. At
26 years of age Silas became the father of Moses Cornwall Giddings Lancaster, New Hampshire, Nov. 19, 1800. At 29 years
of age Silas became the father of John Waters Giddings Lancaster, New Hampshire, May 7, 1803. At 31 years of age
Silas became the father of Festus Giddings Lancaster, New Hampshire, June 19, 1805. At 33 years of age Silas
became the father of Francis Giddings Lancaster, New Hampshire, Dec. 16, 1807. At 35 years of age Silas became the
father of Rev. Uriel Joshua Giddings Lancaster, New Hampshire, March 16, 1810. At 38 years of age Silas became the
father of Lydia Catherine Giddings Lancaster, Conneticut, July 18, 1812. At 42 years of age Silas became the father of
Silas Giddings Maryland, Nov. 18, 1816. At 45 years of age Silas became the father of Caroline Giddings April 30,
1819. (See Silas Giddings for the continuation of this line.)
At 19 years of age Hannah became the mother of Mary Cornwall "Polly" Giddings Harland, Connecticut, March 28, 1795. At 21 years of age Hannah became the mother of Orphia Giddings Harland, Connecticut, Feb. 25, 1797. At 22 years of age Hannah became the mother of Elmira Giddings Harland, Connecticut, April 23, 1798. At 25 years of age Hannah became the mother of Moses Cornwall Giddings Lancaster, New Hampshire, Nov. 19, 1800. At 27 years of age Hannah became the mother of John Waters Giddings Lancaster, New Hampshire, May 7, 1803. At 29 years of age Hannah became the mother of Festus Giddings Lancaster, New Hampshire, June 19, 1805. At 32 years of age Hannah became the mother of Francis Giddings Lancaster, New Hampshire, Dec. 16, 1807. At 34 years of age Hannah became the mother of Rev. Uriel Joshua Giddings Lancaster, New Hampshire, March 16, 1810. At 36 years of age Hannah became the mother of Lydia Catherine Giddings Lancaster, Conneticut, July 18, 1812. At 41 years of age Hannah became the mother of Silas Giddings Maryland, Nov. 18, 1816. At 43 years of age Hannah became the mother of Caroline Giddings April 30, 1819.
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