1. Robert1 Arnold was born May 22, 1953.
He married Janette Norton Sept. 30, 1972. Janette was born Oxnard, California March 29, 1957. Janette is the daughter of Walter T. Norton II and Evelyn Janette Hogan. At 15 years of age Janette became the mother of Jennifer Corine Arnold Ft. Ord, California, Feb. 19, 1973. At 19 years of age Janette became the mother of Karyn Michelle Arnold Oct. 27, 1976. At 22 years of age Janette became the mother of Brian Robert Arnold June 9, 1979. At 35 years of age Janette became the mother of Sara Margaret Hyland Oct. 19, 1992. At 38 years of age Janette became the mother of Ian Lawrence Hyland May 19, 1995. At 40 years of age Janette became the mother of Sierra Hyland March 27, 1998.
At 19 years of age Robert became the father of Jennifer Corine Arnold Ft. Ord, California, Feb. 19, 1973. At 23 years of age Robert became the father of Karyn Michelle Arnold Oct. 27, 1976. At 26 years of age Robert became the father of Brian Robert Arnold June 9, 1979.
Robert Arnold and Janette Norton had the following children:
Jennifer Corine2 Arnold was born Ft. Ord, California Feb. 19, 1973. She married Shawn Matthews Sept. 19, 1998.
Karyn Michelle Arnold was born Oct. 27, 1976.
Brian Robert Arnold was born June 9, 1979.
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