1. Josiah1 Andrews birth date unknown.
He married Sarah Ann Burnaugh. Sarah became the mother of Isabelle "Bell" Hannah Owens Andrews Knox County, Illinois, Dec. 15, 1855.
Josiah became the father of Isabelle "Bell" Hannah Owens Andrews Knox County, Illinois, Dec. 15, 1855.
Josiah Andrews and Sarah Ann Burnaugh had the following child:
Isabelle "Bell" Hannah Owens2 Andrews was born Knox County, Illinois
Dec. 15, 1855. Isabelle died Aug. 15, 1904/1905 Swan Township, Warren County, Illinois, at 49 years of age. Her body
was interred aft. Aug. 15, 1904/1905 Warren County, Illinois, Stice Cemetery. She married James H.
Hively Warren County, Illinois, Dec. 12, 1882. James was born Warren County, Illinois July 3, 1854. James was the son
of Joseph Hively and Rachel Pool. James died June 8, 1919 Youngstown, Swan Township, Warren County, Illinois, at
64 years of age. His body was interred June 10, 1919 Warren County, Illinois, Stice Cemetery. At 22 years of age James
became the father of Jennie L. Andrews Hively Roseville, Warren County, Illinois, Sept. 8, 1876. (See James H. Hively for the continuation of this line.)
At 20 years of age Isabelle became the mother of Jennie L. Andrews Hively Roseville, Warren County, Illinois, Sept. 8, 1876.
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