1. Leo Scotland1 Bontrager birth date unknown.
He married Olive Marilyn Thieme. Olive became the mother of Sharon Paulette Bontrager Seneca, Kansas, March 16, 1953.
Leo became the father of Sharon Paulette Bontrager Seneca, Kansas, March 16, 1953.
Leo Scotland Bontrager and Olive Marilyn Thieme had the following child:
Sharon Paulette2 Bontrager was born Seneca, Kansas March 16, 1953. She married Phillip Matthew Waigand Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, Oct. 16, 1970. Phillip
was born Creston, Iowa Sept. 19, 1947. Phillip is the son of Joseph Phillip Waigand Jr. and Edith Alberta Thompson. At
23 years of age Phillip became the father of Phillip Matthew Waigand II Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, April 5,
1971. At 24 years of age Phillip became the father of Joseph Scott Waigand Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, May 30,
1972. At 25 years of age Phillip became the father of Daniel David Waigand Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, Aug. 24,
1973. At 27 years of age Phillip became the father of Wendy Dawn Waigand Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, April 29,
1975. (See Phillip Matthew Waigand for the continuation of this line.)
At 18 years of age Sharon became the mother of Phillip Matthew Waigand II Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, April 5, 1971. At 19 years of age Sharon became the mother of Joseph Scott Waigand Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, May 30, 1972. At 20 years of age Sharon became the mother of Daniel David Waigand Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, Aug. 24, 1973. At 22 years of age Sharon became the mother of Wendy Dawn Waigand Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska, April 29, 1975.
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