1. Alvin Jesse1 Carr was born 1860. Alvin died 1915 at 55 years of age.
He married Margaret Kincaid abt. 1886. Margaret was born Tennessee 1867. Margaret was the daughter of Alvis Clay Kincaid and Anna Eliza Cooper. Margaret died 1969 at 102 years of age. At 20 years of age Margaret became the mother of Fred K. Carr 1887. At 22 years of age Margaret became the mother of Stella Jane Carr 1889. At 24 years of age Margaret became the mother of Clifton L. Carr 1891. At 27 years of age Margaret became the mother of Edwin Alvis Carr Sr. 1894.
At 27 years of age Alvin became the father of Fred K. Carr 1887. At 29 years of age Alvin became the father of Stella Jane Carr 1889. At 31 years of age Alvin became the father of Clifton L. Carr 1891. At 34 years of age Alvin became the father of Edwin Alvis Carr Sr. 1894.
Alvin Jesse Carr and Margaret Kincaid had the following children:
Fred K.2 Carr was born 1887.
Stella Jane Carr was born 1889.
Clifton L. Carr was born 1891.
Edwin Alvis Carr Sr. was born 1894.
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