1. Hurbert Joseph1 Bourke was born Oct. 22, 1913. Hurbert died Jan. 9, 1990 at 76 years of age.
He married Patricia Player. Patricia was born March 2, 1917. Patricia was the daughter of Ernest Nicholson Player and Elizabeth Eileen Lennon. Patricia died Oct. 26, 1981 at 64 years of age. At 29 years of age Patricia became the mother of Michael Francis Bourke Feb. 10, 1947.
At 33 years of age Hurbert became the father of Michael Francis Bourke Feb. 10, 1947.
Hurbert Joseph Bourke and Patricia Player had the following child:
Michael Francis2 Bourke was born Feb. 10, 1947. Michael died Feb. 5, 1967.
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