Hi my name is Onyx but my human Mommy and Daddy frequently refer to me as Black Beauty or Mooseox. I don't mind because they affectionately make these references to me but I don't think I look at all like a horse, moose, or ox !!
I am the first Dane that my parents have ever owned so they are completely in awe of some of the things I do. I am also renowned for stealing my Daddy's socks so he has to chase me around the house to get them back. I also protected my family when the balloon monsters invaded our home. I barked and growled but the balloon monsters would never come down to my level to risk an encounter with me. HAH!! What cowards .....all they would do was huddle together against the ceiling and then POOF...they disappeared.
This is my Mommy and Daddy's rendition of the attack of the balloon monsters....lol
I also have a housemate who is simply referred to as the "cat". He is not very receptive to my affection and never plays fairly. I just jump on him and he sinks to the floor as I slobber him up. I quickly get bored of the "cat" and soon move on to other things because his loud "MMEEEOOWWWING" annoys me. I also find the cat's claws painful to my big black nose.
This is me at seven weeks
Age 8 weeks (after cropping)