(and a corner for Quakers, too)
Some of our families:
If you are searching for Quaker ancestors in the
The Randolph Room, Randolph County, NC Library
Surname Index, Marlboro Friends Cemetery
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© 1997 lrunyon@triad.rr.com
Eastern Tennessee and Kentucky
My hard drive died!
I've lost all the e-mail requests I've received! Please e-mail me again; I'll try to get back to you a.s.a.p. Thanks!
All my favorite links for researching Appalachian ancestors
Please note: Just because you see something on the internet (or in print elsewhere) doesn't mean it's true! I have tried to verify all my data, but you should ALWAYS double-check elsewhere for yourself, preferably from original sources.
NC Quakers - Randolph County,NC
I have an indexed copy of "Marlboro Friends Meeting
a large Quaker cemetery in Randolph Co.,
North Carolina. It contains
about 2,000 tombstone
transcriptions, many dating from the 1700's.
County, NC area, this is a real treasure trove!
Send me
your surnames, first names (if possible), and any known
birth/death dates. Please mention the words "Quaker" or "Marlboro" somewhere in your request. I'll check it out and send back anything I come up with.
No guarantees...but I'll give it a try. PLEASE NOTE - this cemetery index is the ONLY resource I have! I don't have anything other than these tombstone inscriptions! For further research, may I recommend the following:
Guilford College, Hege Library, Friends Historical Collection
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Linda Runyon.
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