Hi there, my name is Kathie, but most folks call me ChattyK..
if you dont know why they call me that..I guess you never
talked to me! I know you are all wondering what I look like
so here is a picture of me! Hmmmm, I bet you are wondering
how old I am, well that will have to remain a secert, besides
age isnt all that important! I am single right now and most
of the time you can find me chatting on ICQ, here is my
number 349738, feel free to come and chat with me sometime!
My favorite hobbies are fishing, reading, fishing, chatting, fishing,
watching movies, and of course fishing! As you will see by my other
pictures here I love to go fishing, weather it be bass fishing
or fishing for reds, I really love to be out there on the water!
The most important thing in my life are poodles, they are like my
children, and most of the time think they really are people! There
names are Willie, Travis, and Momma, and I love them with all my heart!
Below you will find some of my favorite links,
Homepages of friends and assorted other goodies! I hope you enjoy your
stay here and Please sign my guestbook before leaving, it would really
mean alot to me! Look forward to chatting with y'all real soon!
My Favorite Links
Fishing and Hunting chatroom!
Another fishing chatroom!
A bass club memebers homepage!
This is a great fishing message board!
This is the INN, I am in the Storeroom sometimes!
Great site to see pictures of alot of my friends!
You love unicorns, then go here!
Great cybercard site!
If you need to find out about the weather!
If you need door to door driving directions!
Great online auction site!
Play BINGO online for free!
Check out my home State!
Hallmark cybercards!
Chatty K
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