A Right to Life

Some will say that he's only a piece of tissue.
Some will call him a fetus.

It looks like a baby to me.
A real live tiny person.

He might be only 18 weeks old, in his mother's womb, but look, he's already found out that it feels good to suck his thumb.

His brain is fully functional. His digestive system is complete, and his bone structure is all there. All he has to do now, is grow until he's big enough to be born into this world.

He's a person, with a soul given from God.
He posesses the wonderful gift of life.

Please please, let him grow until he's big enough to be born. Don't let him be torn, limb from limb and thrown in a bucket, or pulled feet first from the womb, his brains sucked out, and thrown in a can...

Please please let him live...

He's a real live person...
Please please let him live...

If you are pregnant, and need help, There's a place to go. Not to an abortion Clinic-
There are loving people who will take care of you and give your baby a chance to live...

Bethany Christian Services
Healing Hearts Ministries
Vital signs Ministries
Pro Woman- Pro Life
National Right to Life
Partial Birth Abortion Information
