my friends page
I think friends are a most wonderful thing
God has given me some very special ones to love
A friend is somebody to whom you can open your heart -
all the way
And you know it will go no further
A friend is someone you can play with, cry with, sing alto with
You can laugh with your friends, but never at them
Even if you have a bad day
your friends will still love you, even if it was very bad!!!
The very best friends of all
Know the joy and delight of being a child of God
Five of my very best friends are my five children.  and I
dedicate this friends page to them.
Thanks, kids
Jonathan, Elizabeth, Barbara, Dorothy and David
I could never live without you...
 The next best are my grandchildren, all ten of them.
Grama loves you.
Denise, Marion, Jonathan - Nathan, Joshua, Hannah
and Paige
and last of all the triplets
Ruth, Laura, Cynthia
Perhaps a most special gift of all is a friend that the
Lord found for me.
A friend named Livingwater
All these people together have made me
the Marmar