Dedicated to the Preservation
History in the Tri-State Area
of Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia

Our next meeting will be 12 Noon March 10, 2007 There will be a Board meeting at 11:00 AM and a membership meeting at 1:00 PM. Details to be announced. All interested persons are welcome to attend.

Join The Big Sandy Valley Historical Society

Check out some featured stories from our past quarterlies

Index to The Sandy Valley Heitage

This is a project in process. Issues indexed are in Blue.

The Samuel May House

The Samuel May House Archives

The Johnson County Historical Society

Books for Sale

Historical Societies, Museums, Libraries, and other Historical and Genealogical Contacts and Resources

History of the Counties of the Big sandy River Valley

These are our quarterly publications, The Sandy Valley Heritage.

Click on one of the images above for ordering information.


An element that we are trying to incorporate from our quarterly publication is our Queries page. This is an opportunity for you our readers and members to post to the other readers and members any questions about ancestors or events in hopes that another knows your answers!

Email queries to:Sam D. Hatcher

To read queries that others have posted go here!

� 1998 - 2007 shatcher

Sam D. Hatcher

This page last updated December 26, 2006,.

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