To SuzAnne's Cloud
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride...
Sometimes i can hear my Granny saying that youth is the time in life to expand the mind.  She was a wise old woman who shared stories,  laughter and her thirst for the outdoors.  We spent many summers in the field, with tansey around our legs, looking at spittle bugs and rabbit holes.  I look up into the heavens that roof our souls and think of her and,of course, all the little pearls she left in my little hands...
Now as I've moved forward in this world I have come to realize that there is more to those pearls she bestowed on me. I understand that she gave me a legacy, a wandering to tell my little ones about. There is so much to share and learn, just by watching a spittle bug build his bubbley nest.
I build my nest everyday, blowing pockets of air to protect me. On  some days the bubbles are destroyed, and on others the nest grows in bounds. Let that be my lesson, to build a fragile home, full of hope, and let the day just happen.