235 Funston Avenue
New Carlisle, Ohio 45344
(937) 845-8467

"...Upon this rock I will build MY church..."

Matthew 16:18

Are you confused about religion because there are so many different churches and denominations today? We feel certain we can guide you through this confusion with the word of God. When Christ said, "I will build my church", He didn't say He would build His churches! So who's right?

The church that meets in New Carlisle, Ohio does so according to the pattern that Christ Himself designed. The head of the church is Christ (not a man made organization), which is the only pattern you will find in the Bible; Eph. 5:23, John 4:24. We are told by Christ that we must worship God in spirit and in truth. If that is what you desire please come and worship with us. Below are listed our times for bible study and worship.

Assembly Times
Hebrews 10:25

Morning Bible Study 9:30am
Morning Worship Service 10:30am
Evening Worship Service 6:00pm

Evening Bible Study 7:00pm

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