"Hi, I'm Hana!" =><= "And I'm Beni!"
"Hi there! Welcome to our page!"

Welcome to Beni and Hana's Place!

Hi there! My name is Kimberly, and I am Beni and Hana's human. Yes, like all of you cat owners out there, my cats own me, not vice-versa. But that's perfectly all right with me. Anyway, I'll be your tour-guide through the little domain they've asked me to set up for them here. Any questions that you might have, or any comments you'd like to make outside of the guestbook can be sent to me at: kimberkatz@yahoo.com

Please be sure to sign the guestbook!

And now, on to Beni and Hana's Place!

Well, we started to get a few awards, and posting them up front here was making the loading time a bit long. So, to make life simpler, I've created a special awards section for the ones that we've won. Check them out!

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Fun Facts | A Tribute | Kitty Links
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