Roster of Company B
126rd Regiment
Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Company B was mustered in September 4, 1862, at Camp Steubenville, Ohio, by Alexander E. Drake, Captain 2nd U.S. Infantry. Mustered out June 25, 1865, near Washington, D.C., by J.C. Robinson, brevet Major and A.C.M. 3rd Division, 6th Army Corps.

Adams, John
Bailey, George M.
Bailey, Samuel
Bailey, Warren
Baker, Archibald S.
Ball, Hiram W.
Barkley, Cooper
Baxter, William E.
Bendure, Robert
Bethel, Abner
Bowles, George
Boyd, William
Brown, Enos W.
Bryan, Beal H.
Burns, Thomas D.
Burkey, Joseph
Cass, Sylvanus
Cecil, Henry
Chandler, David A.
Chandler, Philander
Chandler, Clark
Clark, John
Clevenger, Isaac M.
Clinton, George
Close, Joseph H.
Cooper, William W.
Copeland, William
Crage, Thomas
Crawford, John
Criswell, Samuel
Crosby, George
Darry, Jacob M.
Delany, Charles
Dolan, John
Donner, Solomon
Dove, William E.
Early, Moses D.
Eddy, Isaac
Emmet, Samuel
Fatchey, William
Fawcett, Jonas
Fellure Britten
Ferguson, Elijah
Flanner, Wistar
Galagley, John
Gibbins, Lewis
Gilbert, Abel
Gitlins, Edward
Groves, William W.
Haines, George
Haines, Isaac
Harman, James
Hilles, Robert
Hissey, Henry
Hoge, George W. (Captain)
Hoge, Thomas I.
Howell, John C.
Howell, Joshua C.
Huffman, William P.
Huston, Galen S.
Imes, Demas
James, Joseph Q.
Johnson, William R.
Kelley, Abraham (Captain)
Keyser, Melanchthon
Kibler, Daniel
Kirk, William B. (Captain)
Knapp, Oliver T.
Knight, Joseph
Linton, John F.
Loy, William
Lupton, Henry R.
Major, Nicholas H.
Mathess, Edward
McDaniel, Waitman
McFarland, George
McGregor, Reuben J.
McMinn, Robert W.
Moore, William
Morris, John A.
Mumma, Isaac N.
Neer, John W.
Oborn, George
Palmer, Joseph H.
Parks, James
Parkins, Jacob
Patrick, John H.
Patrick, William J.
Peyton Andrew J.
Polan, David
Polan, John A.
Price, George W.
Pumphrey, Nimrod
Reynolds, Leander J.
Richards, Andrew
Romans, Anthony
Russell, Simeon L.
Scoles, John
Scott, William
Secrist, Adam
Shaffer, John A.
Smith, Chester K.
Smith, Meek
Speck, Phillip L.
Starkey, Daniel H.
Starkey, Samuel
Swank, Samuel C.
Thatcher, Daniel
VanFossen, Benjamin H.
VanFossen, George
VanFossen, John W.
Waddell, Washington
Watson, Joseph C.
Weedon, George
Wilson, Phillip
Winrod, James
Yocum, Jonathan