I am the Great Sun, but you do not see me.
I am your Husband, but you turn away.
I am the Captive, but you do not free me.
I am the Captain you will not obey.
I am your Counsel, but you do not hear
I am your Lover whom you will betray.
I am the Victor, but you do not cheer me.
I am the Holy Dove
whom you will slay.
I am the Truth, but you will not believe me.
I am the City where you will not stay.
I am your Wife, your Child, but you will leave me.
I am that God to whom you will not pray.
I am your Life, but if you will not name me,
Seal up your Soul
with tears, and never blame me.
- Found
inscribed on a Norman crucifix along with the year "1632" and the name "Charles Causley."

Created by Matt Lake of Matt's Web Design on
September 14, 1998, and last updated on March 29, 2003.