Welcome to Willie and Emma's Page

Outlaw's Sweet Emma
(Ch. Beauwood's Rustlin In The Sun x Outlaw's Blaze of Glory.
Emma was born 5/8/97
She is a Blue Merle Australian Shepherd.
Emma was diagnosed with Canine Juvenile Cataracts when she was four months old. To date she has lost nearly 50% of her vision. Fortunately, her loss of vision has not slowed her down. She is working on agility and loves to play ball!

(Harbaugh's Aussie x Harbaugh's Rustlin Muffin)
Willie was born 3/31/92
He is a Red Merle
Australian Shepherd
Willie has some socialization problems. He doesn't like strange dogs or bikes. We have to be very careful when walking him. Australian Shepherds require a high degree of socialization, somewhere we went wrong with poor Willie. He is a wonderful housedog who loves children and all types of food.

Emma and Willie are currently living with their family in Espoo, Finland.

Here is an example of how fun Willie is to walk when strange dogs are around. We are actively working on Willie's problems using several strategies, including management and clicker training. To find out more about clicker training check out these sites:

On a lighter note...

Willie and Emma both love to sing along!

This summer Emma and I tried tracking. Emma was a natural, I on the other hand need some more training.

This summer we also discovered the BARF (Bones and Raw Foods) diet. After about four months, I have to say the dogs look and act great. Their coats are soft and shiny, their attitudes are perky and happy. Just look at Emma guarding her meaty bones. For more info on BARF and other natural diets for your dogs check out these sites.

Summer has drawn to a close here in Finland. Now we are all looking forward to winter snows so we can dust off our skis. I plan to put Emma to work this winter, pulling me along on my cross country skis. I just hope all that work I have done teaching her not to pull on the leash doesn't backfire on me!

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last updated 10/17/98