Dancing on the Hay during a
2001 Calgary Stampede Barbecue
Now I am Three!
Hi! I'm Marlon George Mackie and I was born
January 16, 1998. Here are some pictures of my 3rd birthday
party! And a little photo session Mommy did with me that
day, trying to get a perfect "three
year portrait." I am a fun, friendly, interactive pre-schooler,
with a penchant for tractors, trucks, dinosaurs and dancing.
My nicknames are plenty - Mommy and Daddy go a little crazy in
this department with me and my sister. They also call me Buffalo
(or Buffy even for short, which Dad thinks is ridiculous),Sklaar,
Marly Parly, Marlonicus, Parlonicus, Chippy, Pugsley, Clapwell,
and a few others, if you can believe it!
I like to play with Hot Wheels cars and Thomas
trains, and any kind of construction vehicles. I love to run
wild around the house circuit with my big sister Tory,
squish in playdough, read books, and make up jokes. Tory makes
me laugh really hard. I love to crawl over her head in appreciation,
and pull her hair. She doesn't like that. Doesn't stop me!
I love to run, balance, dance, and ride my
trike. I love to play chase with Tory, and we also play horses
and cats together.
Speaking of cats,
I have two of them named Melanie and Angel, and I love to cuddle
with them and make them purr.
I also like to use the computer. Big Action
Construction is one of my favorites.
Last of all, I love to read books with Mom,
Dad and Tory. Books are awesome!
This is me July 2000,
at Agate Beach in Oregon
The sand dunes were
Here are some links to my favorite
I love Gymboree
For great articles, research
and ideas on Infant
Stimulation, try this site!
I love this book! It's a family
tradition. Wanna see Goodnight
Forget the lyrics to any of
my favorite songs and lullabies? Check this song
index for help!
Need to babyproof? Know the
latest recalls? Want to know how to keep me safe? Check out Childsecure!
Everything you'd ever want to
gear me up! Find it at ibaby!
My mommy likes a good steaming
bowl of Parent Soup!
Try it, you'll love it, too!
Do you have a January 1998 Baby,
too? You might like to subscribe to a list my mommy started for
parents of January 1998 Babies! They talk about everything there!
It's called JanBabesCafe. Click on the onelist logo below to
Click to subscribe to JanBabesCafe
One of my newest favorite pastimes
is riding in our new trailer!
These are made in Calgary, where I live! Mommy uses it for running
with us, or pulling us with her bike. It's a riot! Don't forget
your helmets!
Me and my sister Tory love "Elmo's
World." Here is a great link for parents and kids! Click
on Elmo to see!
Thanks for checking
out my place!
Me at the controls
of a backhoe when I was 2!
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