page last updated on January 5, 2006
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Here's some interresting Facts!

A Famous Actress - Demetria Guynes was born in Roswell on November 11, 1962. She left school at 16 to pursue a career as an actress and a model. Although she was once married to Bruce Willis, she has kept the last name of her first husband and is known as Demi Moore.

A Famous Artist - Peter Hurd was born in Roswell in 1904. Peter's murals grace the walls of many post offices throughout the country. Peter's most famous painting is his Official Portrait of LBJ, which LBJ disliked, but everybody else seemed to love.

A Famous Golfer - Nancy Lopez was born in Torrance, CA, but spent most of her childhood years in Roswell (By the way, I went to High School with her and I knew her). Nancy must have been born with a golf club in her hand, because she won the New Mexico Women's Amateur Open at the age of 12!

A Famous Singer - John Denver was born in Roswell on December 31, 1943 while his father was stationed at Roswell Army Air Field. Although John Denver's family traveled extensively, his songs show that he never lost his love for the Southwest.

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