HELLO to our Family & Friends!!
And to anyone else who may have surfed in here - hey to you, too!
(WARNING... if you aren't interested in a proud mamma bragging on her kids, husband and family - then please click your BACK button, now!!)

THIS PAGE was FINALLY updated in NOVEMBER 2005 (it's been nearly 2 years since I last updated!) Didn't add much either.

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click on the "UP ARROW", then on the "X" to close it!)

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EVERYONE is doing just fine! We now live in a new house, same town. BUT - we gave up our property, which SUCKS. We bought a fixer upper and are, well, fixing her up! Hoping to be OUT OF THERE by this time next year though. Can't take the close neighbors - I need my widen open spaces. This is a lake community. Kids are great - Jess is taller than me, and 13. John has grown so much, already 3. Check out their websites, which aren't very up to date! CLICK HERE TO VISIT John, his newer web page.

AND... drum roll please ... we have a NEW ADDITION to the family!!! On November 9th - LUCY joined the family! Lucy is a 7mo old English Bulldog that has already stolen our hearts. Sammy seems to enjoy the company, too. Been only one night as I write this, but we're sure that she'll continue to fit in nicely. A beautiful girl! Of course, she has her own page already. CLICK HERE TO VISIT LUCY the English Bully!

TAA-DAA... here we are...
Are we gorgeous kids
or what??? (April 2002 - more recent pix are below!)

DISNEY March 2005!! More to come!!

XMAS of 2004

John in Feb 04 - bad hair day!

Jess & John at Imagine That April 04

YES - we ARE gorgeous!
Late JUNE 2002

Jess & John, December 2002 - John just woke up!!

At Imagine That! in 2004.

Jess & John in 2004 - SNOW DAY!

Halloween 2002

John at the Town Easter Egg Hunt in 2004 (He actually made the newspaper!)

Jess loving her brother, 4/02.

Sammy watching John sleep.

Space Farms trip - June, 2003.

Daddy & John!

Snow Day - 2004

Jess & John, Snow Day 2004

AND.... go HERE to check out our current sales on EBAY!

You may have to hit your * REFRESH * button once you get there... do it just to be on the safe side. We are always adding - one day there will be nothing, the next there will be LOTS of great stuff.

BUT... our "antiques business" is on HOLD at the moment!! We used to have a website (link below) - but it's down right now. WHen John was born, we just didn't have the time to keep up. We stick to eBay, but will open up the website again in the near future. With the kids - renovations on the house - and everything else - WHO HAS THE TIME??

We have the WEBSITE on hold, too! Check us out at THE ROOSTERS SHOP - we'll be back on line soon, I hope!

If you remember, we sell furniture (not much), dolls, collectible plates, Goofus Glass, Depression and Carnival glass, a LOT of great stuff. Anyway... we started putting some other things on Ebay, like household, books, clothes, stuff like that - just to keep the wheels turning. Our sales happen whenever I get a chance to put some stuff on there!!

And… we FINALLY kicked the house renovations into high gear. Still LOTS of work to do, but it's a work in progress!! Scott's got his hands full… there's a lot of outside changes we want to make to do, and guess who gets to do it all!? Scott. Now trying to beat the clock with the cold weather coming.

Here's a couple of pics of Jess from last year on our old barn roof, "helping" Scott! (Better her than me, I'm afraid of heights!)

And although this is my Recent Updates page... I still want to keep this pic here. I snapped it of a bear “cub” (a/k/a miniature VW) near the house. No, I wasn’t standing there – I was locked in the truck!!! One day last year, we pulled into the driveway and saw one standing right against the side of the house - ran into the backyard to the woods. The Horses were freaking out a little, nervous as anything. Yeah, me too! Scott went out with a baseball bat. What a nut!!

(Here's an old pic of the house - the garages are now closed up - that side of the house was turned into our living room & utility room.) Of course... it's not MY HOUSE anymore... sold it to another family. SOOOOO bummed. No clue how much we miss our home. This new lakehouse with NO property is just so beat. Ah, it's temporary - we'll live.

Jessie is getting SO big now – I can NOT believe it. (Big in height, big in mouth, too!! Typical teen. Yikes.)

Jess in late 2002

And her School Pic from late 2001

Horses Playing Tag! Yes, even horses like to PLAY! CLICK HERE to See "the Boys" in action! We miss them SO MUCH.

More pics of the Pooches...

Jess & the Dogs 2001

Samson - "Aren't I purty??"

Who said Bassett Hounds can't FLY?

Sam & Sam

Oh, MORE pictures? You want to see pictures of the horses? Here they are!!! Check out the cowgirl, Jessie!! She really learned to ride well.

Chance! early May 2002

Ride Em Cowgirl!
Jess on Rio, early May 2002

Jess, Scott & Chance
early May 2002


Pic above & the following were all taken in the summer of 2001

Aunt Cindy - I need new pictures!!! These were taken in April 2002, on or around Easter. My Goddaughter, Ashley, and her big sister Chrissy, and of course, a pic of Aunt Cindy cuddling with John, (with Ashley looking on!). And - a pic of Shannon - Chrissy and Ashley's big sister!!

More family pics - although they aren't very up to date - these are from Halloween of 2000! Our nieces Kris & Kimmie, and Mark and Patty too...

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Click here to VISIT Johnny's own Webpage!! ...

Click here to VISIT the newest Roosa - MOLLY the English Bulldog! ...

Click here to VISIT Sammy the Bassett Hound! ...

Click here to Visit The Roosters Shop - our Antiques Shop ...

Come back SOON!

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REMINDER: My page is always under construction!