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We're so glad you dropped in!

NOVEMBER 2005... last updated!
I'm just going thru this page, and my UPDATE page, for the first time since January of 2003!!


I'm so glad to meet you for the first time... or have we met before? These pages are updated WHENEVER I get some free time! (HA!) Stop back often.

I decided instead of changing most of the babble on THIS page, I'd add an "UPDATE" page that I can change whenever something exciting happens at our place... it's RARE I get the time to update, so good luck trying to find ANYTHING new ... loads of pictures in that section too, so be sure and visit often to check everything out!!

Well, onto my basic history and all the old mumbo-jumbo...

. My name is Lisa, and we live in the woods of Northern NJ, with horses all around us. Get your reading glasses strapped on... this is going to BE A LONG ONE! As you'll see, I talk a lot. Be sure to click around and visit our other pages, for Jessica (my daughter), John William (my bouncing "almost" new baby boy), Sammy & Sammy (our Pooches, a Basset Hound & Rottie); LUCY - our newest addition as of 11/9/05 - an English Bulldog (yes, of course - she has her own page too!); Rio & Chance (our 2 Horses), and even my FAVORITE lady - Lucy (aka Lucille Ball & I Love Lucy stuff)!
Unfortunately - Rio & Chance went to live with another family when we sold our house. Now we live nearby, but in a smaller lakehouse with a little property. Big bummer losing our old property - but "the boys" now live nearby and are safe & happy with LOTS of acreage to run in. Hopefully they can come live with us again in the future, when we buy land again ;-(

I have not updated Jessica's, Sammy's, or my I Love Lucy pages in A VERY LONG time. Hopefully, I’ll get to them soon. All the info on all of those pages is pretty much outdated. Check the UPDATES Page for the most recent stuff! JOHNNY's Page is now here!, I recently added a page just for John!!

What else... I'm (OUCH) 38 and my husband, Scott, and I have 2 children. A BEAUTIFUL 13-yr old (almost 14!) daughter, JESSICA (CLICK HERE TO VISIT JESSIE) who is in the 7th grade & loving it.

As you can tell,
Scott and I HAD A BABY!
And that BABY is now a
VERY active 3-YEAR OLD!!
Born on February 27th, 2002 at 7:55pm, weighing 8lbs 3oz
A sweet little boy - named JOHN WILLIAM!

Like I said above - go visit him on his own page, AND on the Family UPDATES Page!

John was born just ONE DAY away from his big sisters birthday, too!

Here is a pic of Jessie & I about ELEVEN years ago... my hair was a mess, the blonde streaks I put in were just growing out… WHAT the H*LL was I thinking???:

Jess & I adopted a tri-color male Basset Hound named Sammy (Samson) in November of 1998. He's brought SO MUCH laughter into our home... what a character. His "official name" is Samson Beauregard Tardo. He's a circus side-show - always making us laugh! He thinks he's a cat - always on the back of the couch, the kitchen table, or my lap. Here's a pic of him on Halloween 1999, as Dracula - of course!

This is Samsons's buddy... Samantha. OK - maybe not buddy - but he'd like to think so. (She's my hubby’s pooch!) Isn't she gorgeous? Samson loves to drive her nuts. She LOVES us, but STILL wants to 'eat' John... ever since we brought him home from the hospital - she barked, growled and just plain hated on the poor kid. She now resides with grandma & pop-pop, only a mile or so away from us.

We call them BOTH "Sammy" - so it gets a little confusing!!

CLICK HERE...THIS WAY to visit Samson the Bassett Hound!

Here are a couple of old pics of JESS & SAMMY:

We also had TWO HORSES... but as explained, they are now living with another family and enjoying life. We had to give up our house (with lots of property)... VERY depressing - we really, really miss them - but know that they are treated well, with a wonderful family. They are ridden and trained now for riding therapy - meaning, spoiled rotten and loved much. (Much, much more about the horses - also known as "Rio" & "Chance" - on the UPDATES page!)

RIO got his name from the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas - where Scott & I stayed on our Honeymoon. CHANCE got his name because he's just so lovable & sweet, we figured, "What's the CHANCE of finding another like him??" We bought him right there on the spot!

Well.. here's a little more about ME ME ME...
and speaking of me - here I am at the end of 1999...:

Aren't they gorgeous.. Happy B-Day to me in 1999... from Scott!

"Sometimes I'm in the saddle,
sometimes I get thrown...
sometimes I hold on for dear life...
this life is sure enough, just like a rodeo."

.... verse is courtesy of John Michael Montgomery

Here's another pic of Jess..:

HEY PARENTS... CLICK HERE for a giggle...
"You Know You're A Parent When:"

As for me... I work as an admin asst for a large pharmaceutical company in NJ. I'm lucky enough to work with a great bunch of people. "Corporate America" is not really where I'd really like to be - I'd love to own a small farmhouse, boarding a few horses. Maybe running a bed & breakfast or small craft/antique store. Not that I'd EVER be able to part with the antiques I find! Oh yeah, and not that I'd be able to handle the BREAKFAST part of the B&B! Unless my guests liked cereal and poptarts. A chef I'm NOT!

HEY... need a laugh? CLICK HERE...
"Ideas for Womens' T-Shirts"

What else .... Jessica & I both LOVE horseback riding, dancing, and music. I try to find time for antiquing (also known as 'digging thru lots of old junk looking for a treasure!'). Scott & I have a small antiques side business that we put on hold once John was born – now we sell mostly on the web, and our website is The Roosters Shop
VISIT US - it will be up & running again soon!

I love to travel. Long weekends are the BEST cure for a lousy week!! Relaxing Lancaster PA area weekends, Lake George/Indian Lake area getaways. I like to hit AC sometimes, and Foxwoods in CT... I'm a roulette hound, which is why I DON'T go very often! Can't tear me away from the table. Scott is Mr. Lucky – always wins. I absolutely love long weekends away.. I love to play tour guide and show everyone the PA Amish country - - you can't help but fall in love with the simplicity of it all. And the POCONOS - Ceasars Pocono Palace is the best!!

Also, I can't leave out how much I love the island of Aruba! Click & visit ARUBA! CLICK HERE...TAKE ME TO ARUBA! Wow do I want to go back. I've got Jessica brainwashed that NO KIDS ARE ALLOWED in Aruba - isn't that terrible?! When I go - it will be to r-e-l-a-x, and she just doesn't know the meaning of the word! Maybe when she's (much) older. I've GOT TO get to an ISLAND before the year is over. I NEED A VACATION! I'm even drooling at cruise commercials...

Also - Both Jessica & I are HUGE "I Love Lucy" fans. I've had her hooked from birth! Must be in the genes. If you come across any great pics or sites, please E-Mail them to me. DON'T MISS MY LUCY PAGE!! Click on photo to see some great Lucy pics and tidbits....LUCY was actually my first shot at a webpage - so take a peek! I am getting hooked on collecting her dolls... Mattel, Madame Alexander, Hamilton Collection, Danbury... ANY of them!! Everything else I can get my hands on, too. I've got a GREAT collection - recently picked up some items in Jamestown NY at a Lucy Festival (yes, I am a geek). A painting by the guy that painted all the murals in Jamestown NY, and another by the fellow that did all the illustrations for the I Love Lucy paper dolls. Oh, and a Ricky Jr. rare baby carriage from the museum, AND a rare 1952 Rag Doll that was created to promote the movie The Long, Long Trailer. Lots more goodies in there, too. I HAVE TO HAVE two Madame Alexanders that I don't currently have - one being a 21" Lucy Doll that is near impossible to find, and the other being the GROUP of the gang - Lucy, Ricky, Ethel & Fred - sold by FAO. Those are the things I'd really love to get my hands on.

!!! CLICK IMAGE to see my "I Love Lucy" collection!

Click here and save $$$'s...

Here are my two angels, Chrissy & Ashley in 1999... (Ashley is my goddaughter):

Another of Ashley & Jess, around Xmas of 2000

Well.. now you know TOO MUCH about Scott, Jessie, John & I!! And the “Zoo” too. I love to babble - can't you tell?! I'm definitely NOT shy. Pictures of our family are added from time to time, either on this page of the UPDATE PAGE! Sign my book and tell me all about yourself! Be sure to take a look at all that follows below... you'll meet some people who are very important to us.

Be sure to check out our LINKS Page! for more great websites. Want yours added? E-Mail me!!

In the meantime, don't leave without signing my guestbook, which is located below. And PLEASE be patient - I'll get back to everyone who signs my book EVENTUALLY!

Click here to SEND AN E-Mail ...

Click here to Check Out our WEDDING PICTURES! ...

Click here to Visit The Roosters Shop - our Antiques Shop ...


Click here to VISIT Johnny's own Webpage!! ...

Click here to Check out my "LISA LOVES LUCY" pages! ...

Click here to VISIT SAMMY (my goofy Basset Hound!) ...

Click here to VISIT MY UPDATES PAGE – most recent info & lots more pictures!! ...


Click here to go to my LINKS PAGE ...


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