The Love of

Jesus Christ

This web page is meant as a place for Christians to grow in faith and love.  However, for those who are here purely to see what a Christian is,  here is a formal definition.:

As a Christian, I believe in the Trinity - One God as:

I believe that because Jesus Christ died and paid for our sins, we are saved from condemnation and brought to eternal life through grace.  This is a part of Jesus Christ's great Love.

Jesus Christ's Love:  Spiritual love is defined as happiness, joy, gladness, peace, mercy, grace, truth, giving, hope; all that is good.  This love is available to all.  You just have to find it. How?  You are shown by Christ Jesus. Ask and he will show you his love. His forgiveness. To grow in strength in him: Pray, read the Bible, give, share, be a peacemaker, be merciful, strive to do all that is good.

Please e-mail me, Jim, at with any questions, comments, or requests. Also please note that this page is under construction and the only working links are to WebRings, Search, Bible, Prayer, Angels, and Giving.

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As of April 22, 2003.