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No, Kip is not dead, even though he's being talked about a lot lately in the past tense. Incarceration is not death. This boy has a life, just as you and I do, and it goes on, moment by moment. This moment in which you are reading this is also a moment he is living. How is this moment going for him?

Kip does not live here on the Internet. He does not live in the papers or on TV or in memories and mental images. He lives in the flesh, somewhere in Oregon.

Presumably, you can still write to him. Until his 16th birthday - August 30, 1998 - he had been held at the Skipworth Juvenile Detention Center. But he has been transfered to Lane County Jail. Perhaps a letter addressed as follows will get to him:

Lane County Jail
Inmate Kipland P. Kinkel
Eugene, Oregon 97401

Can your letter make a positive difference in his life?

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Sound file - "Disarm" by Smashing Pumpkins. Sequencer unknown.