The most important question that anyone will ever answer in this life is: Who is Jesus Christ? It is upon that one question that all of our Eternal Life rests upon. John 17:3 says, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." As we see here, we can be right about everything we believe, but if we are wrong about Jesus, then we are wrong for eternity. All of Church History and Scripture shows that the Church has always taught that Jesus Christ is Jehovah God in the flesh. Doubt it? :)
I tell you what. Grab a cup of coffee and a doughnut and lets take a short trip back to the days of the Early Church and see what they believed. Then we'll take a look into the treasures of God's Word to see what we find. Hang on!!!! and click if you dare!! :)
Over the years I have spent a lot of time talking with Jehovah's Witnesses. I have found 2 universal truths among them: 1) The folks who are active have a very sincere desire to know Jehovah and to have Him known, and 2) They almost all, without fail, look to the Watchtower to find truth. It is in this latter point that I believe they have made thier mistake. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has taken their sincerity and desire to know and share Jehovah and have told them a lie. Imagine going through your whole life, fervently following an Organization that claims to be speaking for Jehovah, only to find out when you stand before Jehovah that you had been lied to and taken advantage of! That in all of your sincerity and honesty you end up paying the price for someone else's mistake. That would be tragic.