Missions Trip to Romania
August 2003


Grace Church
Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA

Salem Christian Center

Oradea, Romania

Huddersfield Christian Fellowship
Huddersfield, England 



Page 1 - Getting to Romania


Page 2 - The English Team


Page 3 - Baptism at Hotelul Crisana


Page 4 - Street & Park Ministry


Page 5 - Countryside trip


Page 6 - March for Jesus


Page 7 - Retreat

Return to Brian's home page


August 19.  In the church van going to Dulles airport.  Janel Ayers and Cassie Kling look excited to be finally going because we had been preparing so long for this trip.  Two months of prayer and fasting! 



Travel involves a lot of waiting.  Here we are waiting at Dulles airport. Cassie King, Tara Gourley, Ronnette Cooper, and Terri Buck.



Yea! Finally taking off!  Zooooom 



After 6 hours of flying - at Heathrow airport.  We are all really tired, and waiting for our connecting flight to Budapest Hungary. 


Bekah Caulk


Well most of us are tired.  Tara and Terri look wide-awake, making bead bracelets and necklaces. 




Yeah, we are tired!


Finally we arrive in Budapest. How will we find our drivers?  They don’t speak English.  The drivers were holding a sign that said “Salem Church.”


We had two nice new mini-buses, one with a trailer to haul our gear.  We had lots of gear.  Besides luggage, we had instruments:  guitars, cello, drums, bongos, speakers, amplifiers, microphones, stands, and an electric generator.


There was a long wait at the Hungarian / Romanian boarder.  We waited 1.5 hours at the Hungarian boarder, moved 200 yards and waited another 2.5 hours at the Romanian boarder.  There were not so many cars backed up.  Don’t know why it took so long.


It was hot.  It helped to sit outside on the curb.


Playing at the fence – “please let us in!!”


We finally arrive, late at night, at  .It was like a big reunion because so many people were just finishing a prayer service.  Here are pictured Pastor Teodor Ciuciui and his wife Zamfira (spelling?)


Of course we are hungry after traveling so long through Hungary.  So we went to McDonalds.  Yes there is not just one, but TWO McDonalds in Oradea!  They kept very high standards, clean, efficient, and the food was good.


One of the disciplines on our trip was the morning quiet time with God.  Prayer, and bible reading. Here Ruth Will is praying hard.

0130, 0132

Breakfast.  The education wing of the church had 4 apartments on the top floor and a common room that we gathered in for meetings and breakfast.


Carol Sheffield is washing off a watermelon for breakfast.  The sink just was not big enough, so it had to be done in the shower.  Carol took good care of us, treating the water and providing food for breakfast and lunch.


Dinners were taken at a local restaurant.  Dinner was typically mashed potatoes, a chicken leg (what do they do with the rest of the chicken?), and cabbage salad.  Variations were rice instead of potatoes, beef or pork instead of chicken, and cucumbers/tomatoes instead of cabbage.

And of course water to drink.

Around the table are seated Carrol Sheffield, Zach Hare, Donna Pipkin, Terra Gourley (hiding in the striped shirt) Cassie Kling, and Dave Bradshaw.


We drank bottled or treated water as much as possible.  Jason Collette is emptying out this bottle of “flat water.”Mineral, or carbonated water is very popular in Romania, but plain “un-carbonated” or “flat” water was a little hard to find.


Our table at the restaurant.Terri Hill, Sarah Sawyer, Marisa Gourley, Jason Pipkin, Bekah Caulk, Janel Ayers, Chris Pipkin, Christi Gourley, and Brian Will

Continue to Page 2 - The English Team