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![]() Mark Richard Christman Sept 7, 1966-May 29, 1998 ![]() He died after being struck by a car making a left hand turn. She said she never saw him. He was coming home from work on his motorcycle, which he loved. ![]() Dear Brother What can I say, but I miss you each and every day You were such a loving, caring and loved person, why didn't I see this earlier Distance and circumstances kept us apart for too long but you were always in my heart You grew from a boy to a man without me seeing And once you came back into our lives you were taken forever from us I know you are with me and my family. A guardian angel to watch and protect us GOD has his purpose for you as he has with all of us Written by: His beloved Sister Anne ![]() My brother with my kids right before his death, April, 1998 ![]() Mark was an employee at Accusort, a computer Co. He was a computer programmer. He was going back to college to better himself, we found out he was on the Deans list 4 times. He never told anyone. That was the kind of person he was, very secretive. But would do anything for anybody. Saw the good in all, even when noone else could see. ![]() Thank-you Bea for sending this Pennies From Heaven I found a penny today just laying on the ground But it's not just a penny this little coin I've found Found pennies come from heaven that's what my Grandpa told me He said Angels toss them down oh, how I love that story He said when an Angel misses you they toss a penny down Sometimes just to cheer you up make a smile out of your frown So don't pass by the penny when you're feeling blue It may be a penny from heaven that an Angel's tossed to you ![]() I want to be six again. I want to go to McDonald's and think it's the best place in the world to eat. I want to sail sticks across a fresh mud puddle and make waves with rocks. I want to think M&Ms are better than money 'cause you can eat them. I want to play kickball during recess and stay up on Christmas Eve waiting to hear Santa and Rudolph on the roof. I long for the days when life was simple. When all you knew were your colors, the addition tables, and simple nursery rhymes, but it didn't bother you because you didn't know what you didn't know, and you didn't care. I want to go to school and have snack time, recess, gym, and field trips. I want to be happy because I don't know what should make me upset. I want to think the world is fair, and everyone in it is honest and good. I want to believe that anything is possible. Sometime, while I was maturing, I learned too much. I learned of nuclear weapons, starving and abused kids, and unhappy marriages. I want to be six again. I want to think that everyone, including myself, will live forever because I don't know the concept of death. I want to be oblivious to the complexity of life, and be overly excited by the little things again. I want television to be something I watch for fun, not something I use for escape from the things I should be doing. I want to live knowing the little things I find exciting will always make me as happy as when I first learned them. I want to be six again. I remember not seeing the world as a whole, but rather being aware of only the things that directly concerned me. I want to be naive enough to think that if I'm happy, so is everyone else. I want to walk down the beach and think only of the sand beneath my feet, and the possibility of finding that blue piece of sea glass I'm looking for. I want to spend my afternoons climbing trees and riding my bike, letting the grownups worry about time, the dentist, and how to find the money to fix the car. I want to wonder what I'll do when I grow up, not worry what I'll do if this doesn't work out. I want that time back. I want to use it now as an escape. So that when my computer crashes, I have a mountain of paperwork, two depressed friends, or second thoughts about so many things, I can travel back and build a snowman without thinking about anything except whether the snow sticks together. What I can possibly use for the snowman's mouth? I want to be six again -- author unknown My favorite poem, thank-you Adele ![]() WHEN TOMORROW STARTS WITHOUT ME When tomorrow starts without me and I'm not there to see; If the sun should rise and find your eyes all filled with tears for me; I wish so much you wouldn't cry, the way you did today, while thinking of the many things we didn't get to say. I know how much you love me, as much as I love you, and each time you think of me I know you'll miss me too; But when tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand, that an angel came and called my name and took me by the hand and said my place was ready in heaven far above and that I would have to leave behind all those I dearly love. As I walked through heaven's gates, I felt so much at home. When God looked down and smiled at me, from his great golden throne, He said "This is eternity, and all I've promised you." Today my life on Earth is past but here it starts anew. I promise no tomorrow but today will always last, and since each day is the same day there's no longing for the past. So won't you take my hand, and share my life with me? When tomorrow starts without me don't think we're far apart, for everytime you think of me, I'm right here, in your heart. -- Author Unknown ![]() ![]() My Grandparents Mary E. Christman July 25th, 1918- Dec 15, 1998 Richard F, Christman Dec 1st, 1913- Dec 25, 1998 May God be with them all. I remember Mark and I would stay at our grandparents on the weekends. Go to church, have ice cream while we watched Flash Gordon and Shirley Temple on TV ![]()
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