
Welcome to our home! Thanks for stopping by. Now that you are here, I hope you take a few minutes to see our Furkids Sheba & Mitsy.

Sheba is a German Sheperd and is 7 years old. She loves to eat ice, go for walks and play catch until she just can't play anymore. You might say she is our "big baby." We have had her since we have been married so she is very special. I can't imagine not having her. I pray she lives a very long and healthy life - even longer than the estimated life span for these dogs.
Mitsy is new to us. She came to live with us in May '98 and is a Dalmatian. She was about 7 months old then. She is quite a lot different from Sheba. Mitsy has so much excess energy I wish I could bottle & sell it! Mitsy loves to be petted and likes to play tug-of-war. She likes anything soft and chewable and will go to work on it immediately. Anything accidently left outside is fair game for Mitsy to eat! She is very sweet and loves to cuddle.
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Sheba & Mitsy
Yes, we are each sharing the couch. Aren't we being good?
(Mitsy) I'm the strongest one of all!!! (Sheba) Oh no you're not!
Sheba looking very pretty. This was taken when she was two years old.
Please come out and play with me!
Sheba and the 'Burger'
Get that burger!

I hope you have enjoyed this brief picture album of our furkids Sheba and Mitsy. Pet ownership is a big responsibility. Please think long and hard before getting any animal. Will you be able to give it the care, love and attention it needs? Some breeds are more demanding of others. I beg you, DO NOT get a certain breed just because of a fad! YOU need to see if that breed is well suited to YOUR lifestyle! Mitsy is a Dalmatian that was just so hyper and active her previous owners could not handle it and kept her locked in a pen all day long. They are very high energy dogs and require lots and lots of energy!

If you are thinking about getting a dog, why not try your local animal shelter? There are so many loving dogs there who need a good, loving home. There are so many unwanted animals in the world today that unless you are looking to show dogs, I don't think we need to buy "pure bred" dogs. Besides, lots of the dogs who end up at the shelter are "pure bred" and sometimes even papered! If you have your heart set on one certain breed, see if there is an animal rescue for that breed. The dogs who end up in the animal rescues are usually because someone did not do their homework or maybe because of unfortunate circumstances within the family.

And if you think you just have to have a puppy, well, I can tell you from experience that a dog will not love you any less just because he met you after they were a year old. And have you ever had a puppy? Remember what it was like? Sure they are cute and cuddly, but they also pee and poop everywhere until they are properly potty trained, chew up everything in site because they are teething, cry when they are left alone because they are not used to being left alone, and the list goes on. Ready to deal with all that? And if you think you still want a puppy, the animal shelters get a lot of puppies in too. Please check!

I don't mean to "preach" at anyone, I just feel very strongly about the thousands of animals that are euthanized every day because there are just too many pets and not enough loving people to care for them. Please spay/neuter your pet! Don't contribute to the animal overpopulation!


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Here are some Pet Places you might find really interesting...

Acme Pet Dog House Bulletin Board - Come here to meet lots of people who love and care about animals.
Acme Pet Dog Health Bulletin Board - Having a problem with your dog? There are very many knowledgeable people here who can answer your questions - a lot of vets frequent the board as well.
Animal Owners United - So, you think you believe in "Animal Rights?" Read this first - it is not what you think. Just to let you know, I personally believe in "Animal Welfare," not "Animal Rights." Big Difference! Please go and read for yourself!
Animal Rights - A Closer Look - And here is another site that goes into more detail.
Adopt a Companion Animal - Maybe start here looking for your next loving pet!

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This page created by Rachel Ann
Last updated September 16, 1998