Greetings from Alex, Shelby and Mallory!


Siblings Alex, Shelby, and Mallory live in the awesome state of Iowa. Go, Hawks!


Alex is a very tall, red-headed, extremely active fourteen-year-old. He is in the eighth grade and loves middle school. He was recently elected secretary of the student council at his school. His interests are: Playing video and computer games, listening to his ipod, text messaging, and doing stuff outside. Alex loves sports and participates in baseball, basketball, football, and track.. He is also active in 4-H and shows hogs (with his Dad's help) at the county fair each summer. He started playing violin several years ago, and since there is no orchestra at his school, he played it in the band for several years. Then he switched to bass (both upright and electric). Mom (an orchestra teacher) helps him with the notes, and the band teacher helps keep him motivated to practice. He plays in the middle school band and jazz band, as well as the high school jazz band. Alex also sings in his school's choir, which he enjoys. Alex has a really cool pet--a gecko named Geico. Alex's favorite website: Runescape.


Shelby is a very tall, very slim eleven-year-old who likes to listen to music (Jonas Brothers!!!), hang out with her friends, text message her friends, talk on the phone with her friends, read, do stuff on the computer, ride her bike, write stories and songs, and cook. Shelby likes sixth grade and is quickly adjusting to middle school. She participates in choir and orchestra at school. She takes both private piano lessons and private viola lessons outside of school, and practicing keeps her very busy. Shelby participates in softball during the summer and fall, which she enjoys very much. She loves animals and has a pet cat (Jasmine), pet dog (Chloe), and pet turtle (Penny). Her favorite website? Youtube.


Mallory is funny, sweet, and six years old. She LOVES being a "big kid" and going to 1st grade every day. She has lots of friends at school, and her teacher says she is a very good girl at school. Mallory loves to do stuff with her big sister and enjoys playing outside, playing with our dog Chloe, painting and doing crafts, playing with her Littlest Pet Shop animals and Webkinz, and watching Hannah Montana and other Disney Channel shows on t.v. She started playing the violin last spring, and enjoys going to her weekly lessons with the violin/viola teacher at the college. Mallory's favorite web site: Webkinz. (same as sister!)


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