Xmas 96

WELCOME, to our home page.
This page is dedicated to our family,our friends and our country.
I hope to impart on those that visit, a sense of priorities.
Family, Friends and Work, in that order.

It's our hope to join our geographically disperse family,
to find "missing" family
and offer some information to our posterity
so that they may learn, and hold dear,
their heritage.
We hope you enjoy these pages.
While you are visiting,
please take a moment to send an email and comment on these pages, or just say hi.

Jeff, Deborah, Chad, Christopher and Madisyn Earnest

Family members contacted to date through the net:
Dec. 1997--Donna Brown (distance GRIMMETT)
May 1998--Rita Jo Garton [Nuytens](distant GRIMMETT)
May 1998--Barry Grimmett (2d cousin GRIMMETT)
Feb 1998--Frank and John Ernest (distant EARNEST)


Click this thumbnail to view Madisyns Birth Announcement

Click this thumbnail to see Chad Micheal Earnest

Click this thumbnail to see Christopher Micheal Thompson

Family Photo Album
(1942 to Present)

An idea for my Book Cover.

Logan County, West Virginia

Mingo County, West Virginia


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Some Art from Beverly Doolittle
Dedicated to Eugene Mullins

You can us at JeffNDeb Earnest.

This page has been visited times since 12/18/97.

These pages Created by Jeffrey N. EARNEST
and Hosted by Get your own Free Home Page